Ruthlessly Rambling…
15 Social Media Ads Stats for 2022
What's going on in the world of Social Media Ads? Here are 15 essential statistics in 2022 for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Social media is a busy place, from Facebook to Instagram, from Snapchat to TikTok and more. Getting the word out and making your presence known can be a struggle without some paid or sponsored content to help.
Are paid social media ads worth it?
There’s only so much free social media, also known as organic social media, can do. If you have been availing of multiple free marketing platforms and you are still not seeing quality results, it may be time to rethink your social media strategy by investing in paid advertising. Online paid advertising will generate valuable traffic to your website, create brand awareness, increase leads, and make sales… when done right.
How to get the most out of your pinned posts
Pinned or featured posts on your profile can be great for keeping a piece of content you want people to see at the top of your profile on the likes of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Here are a few simple suggestions to help you decide on the best pinning strategies for your profiles.
Is Snapchat good for Business Marketing?
I recently delivered training on Snapchat for Business covering the demographics, how to set up a Snapchat account, how to change it to a business account, how to grow your profile and audience, and how to create paid for advertising on the platform. This platform is underrated in its capacity to reach an audience and also for its creativity as a camera app for creating graphics and content to tell a story.
Is TikTok safe???
There is lots of debate, speculation and discussion about whether TikTok is safe to be a part of. This feeling of being wary is natural with things we have little or no experience of, especially if it’s something our children are involved with.
Why you should be posting on LinkedIn
Out of the 690 million monthly users on Linkedin, only 40% of these are daily users, and only 1% share content! This means there is HUGE potential to get your name and your work out there.
In addition to this, only 1 million (0.2% of users) have published an article and with the LinkedIn algorithm favouring natively shared content over externally linked content, this is another great opportunity to share blog-type material to boost your profile.
7 Tips for using WhatsApp for Business
What social media channels do you use to promote your business? LinkedIn? Facebook? Twitter? WhatsApp?
'Hold on, WhatsApp? That's not a social media platform!'
Yes it is! And it's undervalued and underrated by most.