Is Snapchat good for Business Marketing?
We need to think creatively about social media marketing now more than ever and that’s not said just with reference to the content we share.
I recently delivered training on Snapchat for Business covering the demographics, how to set up a Snapchat account, how to change it to a business account, how to grow your profile and audience, and how to create paid for advertising on the platform. This platform is underrated in its capacity to reach an audience and also for its creativity as a camera app for creating graphics and content to tell a story. It was so much fun to help people think outside the box and about alternative ways of reaching their audience.
Often Facebook is utilised first as it’s the platform with most users so there’s a big audience, however it’s a busy place full of competition that can be hard to grow visibility. So maybe Snapchat is a place to consider?
The demographic tends to be a balance of male & females under 35 however there is an audience in the older age bracket (note I said old are not old😉). Content here can be quite creative and snappy (excuse the pun) so sometimes doesn’t need a huge amount of prep but perhaps a small plan of what to share and when. Also with fewer users on the platform there are fewer businesses to compete with.
Creating & sharing ads on the platform is very easy and can provide a great return on investment, particularly with the more focussed audience and how users engage with the public content where ads feature. Some stats report that Snapchat users are more likely to make a purchase on the platform than users on other platforms.
It really was great to deliver a successful programme that developed skills and confidence in this area to a group of small business owners keen to learn more about different platforms they can make use of to grow a presence online. I’ll be keen to see how they get on using Snapchat as a social media marketing tool.